Measure the amount of scans
Information about how often your QR code has been scanned is very valuable. Think of when a restaurant owner can see which table is most popular, because there is a QR code on every table. The owner can then create similar spots in the restaurant, to make the restaurant more attractive as a whole. Examples like these show the importance in measuring QR codes. In this blog it will be explained how you can track the amount of scans with static and dynamic QR codes.

-Click here to know what static and dynamic QR codes are

In short

  • Tracking the number of scans for dynamic QR codes is easy as all scans are saved in your account, and you can view the data in a diagram.
  • For static QR codes, tracking scans requires using UTM codes in the landing page URL, allowing you to see the traffic originating from QR codes in Google Analytics.
  • UTM codes can be created using tools like Campaign URL Builder to customize URLs for tracking QR code scans’ effectiveness.

Dynamic QR code

Tracking the amount of scans after having generated it, is very easy.

When you generate a dynamic QR code, you are using an account. All scans are saved on this account, so you can easily see the amount when you log in.

At Free QR Code there is a diagram, where you can choose between which dates you want to see the amount of scans. See the example for how easy it is to track the amount of scans for dynamic QR codes.

Example of a diagram, showing the amount of scans on Free QR Code

Static QR code

Static QR codes require more effort to discover the amount of scans. Static QR codes don’t run via a ‘redirecting page’, and thus the scans aren’t saved. You can only track the scans of a static QR code if the landing page is yours. Then it’s possible via a UTM code (Urchin Tracking Module).

Using a UTM code, you can discover the amount of scans of a QR code.

In Google Analytics it is possible to see where website visitors derive from. Google does not put visitors that arrive via QR codes in a seperate category, because Google can’t know if someone arrives via QR code. A UTM code is technically just a piece of text that you paste behind the URL of the page, which shows Google where visitors came from.

If you change the URL by pasting somethingΒ  behind it, the QR code scanners will appear as a seperate category in Google Analytics. Thus, by adding a UTM code, you know which visitors arrived via QR code. You can even distinguish between different QR codes, by using a different UTM code for every QR code.

In ‘traffic sources’ of Google Analytics you can see where website visitors came from.

How do I create a UTM code?

Via tools such as Campaign URL Builder original URL’s can be changed by adding a UTM code. This works as follows:

  1. In this tool you first have to enter the URL where te QR code has to lead to.
  2. Then you can give the UTM code a name, and you should fill in that the website traffic of this adapted URL originates from QR codes.
  3. Afterwards, you should enter the medium with which the URL with UTM code will be spread. In this case that is a QR code.

Having entered all information, you will get a customized URL. You can use this new link with UTM code in your codes. In Google Analytics, the amount of QR code scans will now appear. Thus, you can see which effect your static QR code has.

This is the tool Campaign URL Builder. When all compulsory information has been entered (with an asterix), you will receive a URL like the example in the bottom of the image.


With a dynamic (link blog statdyn) this is shown on the main screen after you’ve logged into your account. Next to each QR code you can see the number of scans, and you can view a graph with more information by clicking on the graph icon. With static QR codes it is harder to track scans, and you can only do it if the static QR code links to your own website. Click here to see how to track QR code scans for both static and dynamic QR codes. (link blog track scans)

With a dynamic QR code (link blog statdyn) the number of scans is automatically saved in your own account (link account). For every QR code you can see a graph icon and the total amount of scans on the right. If you click on the graph icon a graph appears where the number of scans is displayed per day. Read more about how you can track the number of scans for dynamic and static QR codes here (link blog track scans).

Advantages of dynamic compared to static:

  • You can track the number of scans easily (blog track scans), with just one click needed;
  • You can edit the data after the QR code was created.

Disadvantages of dynamic compared to static:

  • You need an account, and QR code data has to be saved where it was generated; so others can control your QR code;
  • It takes a fraction of a second longer to load a page with dynamic QR codes;
  • Our logo will briefly appear with free dynamic QR codes.